Atlantic Immigration


The Atlantic ImmigratioThe Atlantic Immigration Program is created to boost the growth of the Canada’s Atlantic provinces by recruiting skilled workers. The Atlantic provinces comprise New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. To be eligible to be eligible for in the Atlantic Immigration Program, applicants need to have a valid job offer. In order to receive an official Canadian job offer that is valid to be used for purposes of immigration, an applicant should get an Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). It is not mandatory to be done for applicants applying under applications under the Atlantic Immigration Program. The job offer must come from a specific employer. The Atlantic Immigration Program started as an experimental program in the year 2017 and became a permanent program in the year 2022. AIP AIP will welcome more than 6000 newcomers into Atlantic provinces every year. For more details to learn more, contact our agent The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Pilot will be extended for 2 years International graduates have more time to apply for changes Healthcare professionals can be hired with more flexibility Modifications to the requirements of temporary work permit applications (beginning May 1, 2019).n Program is created to boost the growth of the Canada’s Atlantic provinces by recruiting skilled workers. The Atlantic provinces comprise New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. To be eligible to be eligible for in the Atlantic Immigration Program, applicants need to have a valid job offer. In order to receive an official Canadian job offer that is valid to be used for purposes of immigration, an applicant should get an Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). It is not mandatory to be done for applicants applying under applications under the Atlantic Immigration Program. The job offer must come from a specific employer. The Atlantic Immigration Program started as an experimental program in the year 2017 and became a permanent program in the year 2022. AIP AIP will welcome more than 6000 newcomers into Atlantic provinces every year. For more details to learn more, contact our agent The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Pilot will be extended for 2 years International graduates have more time to apply for changes Healthcare professionals can be hired with more flexibility Modifications to the requirements of temporary work permit applications (beginning May 1, 2019).

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