Family Sponsorship


Family Class Sponsorship permits you to sponsor relatives or family members when you are Permanent Resident or a Citizens of Canada. If you’re at the age of 18 and will be able to provide the needs of your family members upon arrival and also be an American Citizen or Permanent Resident.

You can sponsor your spouse, partner or a Child

You might be able to sponsor your partner, spouse, and dependent kids to be permanent citizens of Canada in the event that you meet the requirements.

Here are the essentials you’ll need:
  • You should help them financially
  • You must be certain that they won’t need government assistance for social services.
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You are an Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, or are recognized in the Canadian Indian Act as the Indian as per the Canadian Indian Act.
  • You should not receive social assistance unless receiving government assistance as a disabled individual
  • You should meet the essential requirements of the individual you’re responsible for
The income requirement

There are instances when an income statement isn’t required, but you have to show that you have sufficient resources to meet the demands when you are sponsoring an unrelated child who has one or more dependent children. When you sponsor a spouse, or a partner with children or dependents.

Who can you sponsor to Family Class Sponsorship Canada

Your spouse

  • You and your spouse are legally engaged and must be 18 or more years old. age.

Your common-law partner

  • You and your partner are not legally married, and you must be at least 18 years old.
  • You have been living in constant contact for at minimum 12 months. In any event, if you’ve lived apart for at least 12 months. your entire time. The time you spent apart ought to be brief and short-term.

Your conjugal partner

  • You and your partner aren’t legally married or in a common-law partnership with you
  • Could be either sex or gay.
  • At the age of 18
  • Have been in a relationship for at most 1 year
  • Lives outside Canada
  • You aren’t able to live with you in the country they reside in or wed you due to important legally as well as immigration issues like:
      • The marital status of their spouse (for example, they’re married to a different person in the nation where divorce doesn’t seem a possibility)
      • Their sexual preferences (for example, if you’re in a relationship with a partner who is identical to you but same-sex relationships are not recognized or a marriage between two people is not permitted in the country they reside),
      • Oppression (for instance, two of you may have different beliefs and could be in a social or legal way)

You must provide proof that you cannot reside together or be married in the country of your partner’s spouse (for instance, proof of non-refusal of long-term stay in the same country).

Dependent children

Your children can be considered as dependents if they satisfy the following conditions:

  • Younger than 22 years old
  • They don’t have a spouse , common-law partner

Children that are age 22 or older are eligible to become dependents if they fulfill both of these requirements:

    • The children are not able to provide for themselves financially due to physical or mental health
    • The children depend on their parents to provide financial support before the age of 22,

Except for the age limit, your child must meet these requirements until the time that the application process is completed.

If your child/children are qualified, you can sponsor them:

  • Your child
      • If you’re an Canadian citizen and your child could be also a Canadian citizen even if the child isn’t from Canada. It is not possible to provide your child with permanent residence if your child is already a Canadian citizenship already.
      • If you’re sponsoring only your child and are you are not sponsoring your partner or spouse, you must apply for the child as the primary applicant. You have to show that your parental or other legal guardian has approved of your child’s decision to immigrate to Canada.
      • If the child you wish to sponsor has an individual child (your grandchild) You will need to add the grandchild’s name as a dependent on the application.
      • If you are an adoptive child or orphaned family member that you wish to help them financially, you must stick to the guidelines for sponsoring the adopted kid or family member who is orphaned instead.
    • You and your spouse, as well as their child
      • If your partner or spouse and the child you supporting (either your own kid or one that you both were together) You will need specify your partner or spouse as the primary applicant and the child as a dependent on the application.
      • If the child you’re sponsoring has an own child then you must add the child’s grandchild to your list of dependent on the application.
The eligibility of the person you wish to be a sponsor for

If you want to prove they meet the requirements for admissibility Your spouse or partner, dependent child, and dependent kids (if necessary) should give:

    • The forms and documents required to apply for the application
    • If there is any additional details, you must include them in your application the following:
      • Medical examinations
      • Biometrics

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